
Trauma Therapy

In Wollongong and Online

Move from being trapped in the shadows of your past trauma to finding peace and reclaiming your joy.

Does the shadow of trauma loom over you everyday, leaving you feeling disconnected from the world around you?

Maybe you’ve reached a point where the memories of past traumas have become impossible to ignore, surfacing at moments when you’re least prepared to face them. Or perhaps you find yourself overreacting to situations that others might see as minor, but to you, feel like replaying tapes of the past. You may be finding it increasingly difficult to enjoy moments that used to bring you joy, or simply finding it harder to connect with loved ones in meaningful ways. Perhaps you’re feeling like you’re watching your life from the sidelines, unable to participate fully.

You're beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life

You may find yourself struggling to stay focused and productive at work, as if your mind is constantly elsewhere. The tasks that once felt routine now seem harder to complete, with your thoughts frequently drifting away from the task at hand, leaving you feeling disconnected from your work.

Social gatherings might no longer provide the comfort they once did. Instead of enjoying the company of others, you might withdraw, not because you want to be alone, but because the effort to pretend everything is fine feels overwhelming. This can create a sense of isolation, even in the presence of friends and loved ones.

A sense of dread or unease may start to creep into situations that used to feel safe and familiar. What once were simple tasks can now seem daunting, as the comfort and ease you once felt are replaced by anxiety and uncertainty. This shift can make everyday life feel more challenging and less predictable.

These challenges are not just obstacles to your daily routine; they’re signs pointing to the deeper impact trauma has on your life, affecting your ability to live fully and connect deeply. Recognizing these signs is the first step towards seeking the help you need to heal and reclaim the vibrancy of life.

Trauma Therapy can help.

It may feel impossible now, but you can start living, not just surviving. You can enjoy present moments without being haunted by the past. You can embrace relationships without fear of being hurt. And I can help you get there.

Trauma Therapy helps you do 3 things:

Confronting Traumatic Memories:


Identify and confront traumatic memories without reliving the pain, allowing you to finally move past the events that have been holding you back. By addressing these memories in a safe and controlled way, you can begin to heal without being overwhelmed by the emotions tied to those experiences.

Reducing the Power of Trauma:


As you work through these memories, their power over you begins to diminish. The grip that trauma once had on your life loosens, transforming how these memories impact you. No longer do they have the ability to overwhelm you; instead, you can view them with a sense of distance and control.

Building Emotional Resilience:


With this newfound perspective, you develop emotional resilience to face life’s challenges. Engaging with the world around you becomes possible from a place of strength rather than fear, empowering you to live more fully and confidently.

So what does Trauma therapy look like?​

I’m here to support you through each phase, adapting our sessions to fit your personal healing journey. My approach to trauma therapy is built on hope and healing, focusing on the belief that recovery is not only possible but within your reach.

From Survival to Thriving: Georgia's Recovery

Georgia entered therapy to heal from complex trauma and rediscover her self-confidence. Years of emotional and physical abuse had left her feeling disconnected from herself and others, overwhelmed by anxiety, and stuck in a cycle of fear and self-doubt. Georgia’s goal was to regain a sense of safety, rebuild trust in herself and others, and release the grip of past trauma on her life.


Through therapy, Georgia made several important realisations. She understood that healing is a gradual process and learnt to be patient and gentle with herself. 

Georgia discovered the importance of setting boundaries to protect her emotional wellbeing, a skill she had never developed before. Most significantly, she began to understand that her trauma, while a part of her story, did not define her entire identity or determine her future.


As therapy progressed, Georgia worked diligently on her recovery. Using EMDR therapy, she processed traumatic memories, reducing their emotional intensity over time. She learnt practical techniques for emotion regulation, helping her manage anxiety and fear more effectively.

 Georgia also focused on reframing her self-perception, gradually building a more positive and accurate view of herself and her capabilities.


By the end of therapy, Georgia had made significant strides in her healing journey. She was forming healthier relationships, setting appropriate boundaries, and experiencing a renewed sense of self-worth. Georgia found herself looking forward to new opportunities and feeling more optimistic about her future. While she recognised that challenges might still arise, she now felt equipped with the tools and confidence to handle them effectively.

If you’re ready to start your journey toward healing and reclaiming your sense of self after trauma, book an appointment today at Intuitive Connection Counselling. Together, we can help you move from survival to thriving, just as Georgia did.

Disclaimer: The stories presented here are based on real therapeutic experiences but have been de-identified to protect client privacy. These examples reflect actual therapeutic journeys at Intuitive Connection Counselling, offering insight into what therapy can look like and the progress that’s possible.

You don’t have to live life feeling overwhelmed by your past and uncertain about your future.

Not ready to book yet? Let's have a quick chat about igniting hope and healing.

The Spark to Flame Path is for individuals who have experienced trauma or complex trauma and want to ignite their inner strength, fuel their healing journey, and blaze a trail towards resilience. 

In this 15-minute illumination session, you’ll:

  • Gently acknowledge the shadows cast by your trauma experiences and identify negative beliefs holding you back.
  • Uncover the embers of your inner spark, discovering strengths you may have forgotten.
  • Fan the flames of healing with immediate, manageable steps towards recovery.

So you can begin to feel the warmth of safety, the glow of self-compassion, and see the light of a brighter future ahead.


Ready to ignite your healing journey? Book your complimentary Spark to Flame Path now by clicking here. Let’s work together to transform your spark of resilience into a blazing fire of recovery!

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Trauma therapy sessions are designed to be a safe and supportive space where you can explore and process your experiences at your own pace. Our sessions are more than just talking; we incorporate a variety of exercises, including EMDR (when appropriate), to help you engage with your healing journey actively. We strive to make each session comfortable and interactive, tailoring our approach to suit your individual needs and preferences.

A: The length of time in therapy varies greatly depending on your individual needs, the nature of the trauma you’re working through, and your personal healing process. Some clients find significant progress within a few months, while others may engage in therapy for longer periods. Our goal is always to provide you with the support you need for as long as you find it beneficial. We regularly review your progress together to ensure your therapy is meeting your needs and making adjustments as necessary.

A: While no therapy comes with guarantees, trauma therapy has helped many individuals find relief from their symptoms and make meaningful changes in their lives. You might be a good fit for trauma therapy with me if you’re seeking to understand and process past traumatic events, improve your emotional well-being, and learn coping strategies to manage stress and anxiety. My expertise in trauma therapy, combined with a compassionate, personalized approach, provides a solid foundation for your healing journey.

A: EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy is a highly effective approach for processing and healing from trauma. It involves recalling distressing events in brief doses while the therapist directs your eye movements. This process is believed to help the brain reprocess traumatic memories, reducing their emotional impact. EMDR therapy goes beyond traditional talk therapy by focusing on the emotional and psychological aspects of traumatic experiences, aiming to help you heal from the symptoms and emotional distress resulting from these experiences.

A: During an EMDR therapy session, you’ll be guided through eight phases, starting with history-taking and ending with evaluating treatment results. A significant part of the session focuses on using bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, taps, or tones, while you recall a traumatic event. This helps your brain work through the traumatic memory in a way that reduces its painful intensity. Sessions are tailored to your comfort level, ensuring a safe and supportive environment. You’re in control the entire time, and I’ll be there to support you through each step.

A: EMDR therapy is particularly effective for individuals who have experienced trauma and are struggling with PTSD, anxiety, depression, or other related symptoms. If traditional talk therapy hasn’t fully addressed your symptoms, or if you find it difficult to talk about your traumatic experiences, EMDR may offer a different path to healing. The best way to determine if EMDR is right for you is through a consultation where we can discuss your specific needs and goals. My approach is to work collaboratively with you to find the most effective treatment plan for your journey toward healing.

A: Getting started is simple. The first step is to schedule a free consultation call with me. During this call, we’ll discuss what’s been going on for you, any concerns you have, and how I can help. It’s also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions and see if we’re a good fit. From there, we’ll talk about next steps, including scheduling your first session and what you can expect as we begin our work together. Your path to healing starts with this first conversation, and I’m here to guide you through each step of the way.